Friday, May 11, 2012

Increase Math Knowledge Through Patterns

The development of math concepts is like building a house.  Setting a strong foundation is important.  One of the layers of the foundation is patterns.  You can help your child develop the understanding of recognizing and creating patterns through various games.

One simple game is to clap with your hands or tap with your feet a rhythm.  Have your child repeat the pattern. Increase the difficulty of the pattern.  Then you can have your child say the word "clap" or "tap" with the movement.

Have fun and enjoy building this important skill!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

From Pinterest: Raising a Reader: Seven Tips to Help Your Child Learn to Read

Follow C-FB ISD on Pinterest and find more great tips at

From Pinterest: Practicing Sight Words

Follow C-FB ISD on Pinterest and find more great tips at

How to Use Magnetic Letters Pin on Pinterest

Follow C-FB ISD on Pinterest and find more great tips at

Source: via Kim on Pinterest

Whack A Word Pin on Pinterest

The parent can call out a word and have your child "whack" the word with a flyswatter or foam hammer. This can be used to improve recognizing sight words, finding rhyming words, and learning vocabulary.

Tips for Learning Sight Words

We came across this great post listing fun ways to learn sight words.
From I Can Teach My Child (

Some of their tips include:

  • Make a word with glitter glue. Have your child trace the letters while saying the letter name and then the word.
  • Use glue and yarn to make words.
  • Use Playdoh to make a word.
  • Create words with Wikki Stix.  
  • Trace words in sand. 

How Fun is This?

We came across this fun post and thought we should share this idea.
From Mama Smiles:

Using contact paper on the wall, kids can create art with pattern blocks and other objects.  What a great idea!