Check it out!
Barnes & Noble
May 21 – September 3, 2013
Website (with reading log)
The Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program is here to help you on your way, encouraging you to read books of your own choosing and earn a FREE book, simply by following these three easy steps:
Read any eight books this summer and record them in this Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Imagination’s Destination Journal. Be sure to let us know to whom you would recommend each book, and why.
Bring your completed journal to a Barnes & Noble store between May 21st and September 3rd, 2013.
Choose your FREE reading adventure from the book list featured on the back of the journal.
Chuck E Cheese
Go two weeks, reading every day, then complete and redeem the certificate on this page to get 10 FREE tokens. No more than one of any free token offer can be used per child, per day. Only at participating locations. Pizza purchase is required. Offer Expires 12/31/13.

Half Price Books “Feed Your Brain”
June 1 – July 31, 2013
Back again for the 6th year – the Feed Your Brain® Summer Reading Program rewards your kids for keeping an appetite for reading over the summer. Kids 14 and under can read each day to earn Bookworm Bucks, redeemable at your local HPB store. Pick up your reading log today!
Read for at least 15 minutes each day in the months of June and July. (Grown-ups may read aloud to kids who are still learning.)
Add up your minutes and have your parent or guardian initial each week.
Once you’ve read 300 minutes, turn in your completed log to earn HPB Bookworm Bucks for each month.
We’ll award one top reader per age group each month with a TOP READER prize – a $20 HPB Gift Card!*
* Kids ages 14 and under can participate and earn Half Price Books® Bookworm Bucks. Promotion valid for June and July, 2013.

Go two weeks, reading every day, then complete and redeem the certificate on this page to get 10 FREE tokens. No more than one of any free token offer can be used per child, per day. Only at participating locations. Pizza purchase is required. Offer Expires 12/31/13.
Half Price Books “Feed Your Brain”
June 1 – July 31, 2013
Back again for the 6th year – the Feed Your Brain® Summer Reading Program rewards your kids for keeping an appetite for reading over the summer. Kids 14 and under can read each day to earn Bookworm Bucks, redeemable at your local HPB store. Pick up your reading log today!
Read for at least 15 minutes each day in the months of June and July. (Grown-ups may read aloud to kids who are still learning.)
Add up your minutes and have your parent or guardian initial each week.
Once you’ve read 300 minutes, turn in your completed log to earn HPB Bookworm Bucks for each month.
We’ll award one top reader per age group each month with a TOP READER prize – a $20 HPB Gift Card!*
* Kids ages 14 and under can participate and earn Half Price Books® Bookworm Bucks. Promotion valid for June and July, 2013.
Pizza Hut Book It!
Pizza Hut’s Book It program offers lots of options to help your child continue reading throughout the summer. Visit the link above for Parent Printables, reading activity calendars, weekly reading games, and information on their Summer Reading Challenge Sweepstakes.
Scholastic Summer Challenge
Log your reading minutes and earn digital rewards
Help set a new world record in reading!
Pizza Hut’s Book It program offers lots of options to help your child continue reading throughout the summer. Visit the link above for Parent Printables, reading activity calendars, weekly reading games, and information on their Summer Reading Challenge Sweepstakes.
Scholastic Summer Challenge
Log your reading minutes and earn digital rewards
Help set a new world record in reading!
Carrollton Public Library
June 6 – August 23, 2013
Pick up a reading log at either library
one log per participant – just use plain paper if you lose your log
Turn in your completed log between June 27 – August 23 and receive:
Unearth the challenge…discover what lies beneath.
Return a completed reading challenge sheet to receive a FREE book AND be entered into the grand prize drawing.
Stop by either Library to pick up your reading challenge.
Bring your finished challenge sheet back to the Library.
Receive a FREE book.
Each completed challenge sheet enters you in the grand prize drawing for an Amazon gift card. More returned challenge sheets = more free books and grand prize entries!
June 6 – August 23, 2013
Pick up a reading log at either library
one log per participant – just use plain paper if you lose your log
Turn in your completed log between June 27 – August 23 and receive:
- a Summer Reading Program certificate
- a free book
- a free ticket to the Ringling Brothers circus, WHILE SUPPLIES LAST (Children under two do not need a ticket to the circus)
Unearth the challenge…discover what lies beneath.
Return a completed reading challenge sheet to receive a FREE book AND be entered into the grand prize drawing.
Stop by either Library to pick up your reading challenge.
Bring your finished challenge sheet back to the Library.
Receive a FREE book.
Each completed challenge sheet enters you in the grand prize drawing for an Amazon gift card. More returned challenge sheets = more free books and grand prize entries!
You can also visit the Family eGuide Online Calendar or Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive updates on specific reading club activities for kids and teens.
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