Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hidden Talent Tip #7

Busy like an ant and agile like a deer!
Some children are so active and agile that they always like to be on the go, active and energetic come what may! They always like action, thrill and excitement! They want to be in the center of action! These are the so called bodily-kinesthetic learners who learn by indulging in action, excitement and physical activity. Action and motion suits them the best while learning. These children have immense hidden talent and skill for sports, music and dancing.

How to boost and nurture them - Physical learners best learn when you give them enough opportunities for physical activities. Make sure that you reserve some time everyday to allow them to become physical and active. Rotate time to allow them to study and pay in between two sessions of studies. Let them play music while learning through movements and physical activities. Some children are very good using their hands while doing some work like painting and drawing. See that you give them enough time everyday to learn while painting and drawing.

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