Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hidden Talent Tip #3

Playing and fiddling with objects and things in front of them
Exploring how things work and operate in a natural setting indicates that children who do it are hands-on learners. Some children are enamored by things that move and work by themselves like machines, cars, fire engines and cranes. They are most probably, visual and spatial learners who learn by observing how things work and how they are constructed.

How to boost and nurture them - You can buy them construction toys, car kits, helicopter assemblies, musical toys that move and dance, war tanks that actually make sounds and other similar toys that can be dissembled and later re-assembled. Give them things that can be of interest. Take them to play centers that offer them an opportunity to indulge in fruitful hands-on activities. Show them how water taps work, in what manner signal lights operate and anything that actually moves and acts. Please keep a close watch on children because moving and lose objects could be dangerous as they may swallow them that eventually leads to choking.

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